Am I remembering it or am I reconstructing it?
KOLORIT dives into the delicate balance between memory and reconstruction. Through experimental, ambient, and electroacoustic sounds, we explore how memories shift and evolve over time.
At the heart of this lies the blank space – a metaphor for the gaps in our memory. These spaces, like moments of silence in music, allow us to pause and reflect. They give us room to fill in the missing pieces, to reinterpret and reshape our experiences.
Without emptiness, there is no space for creativity or new perspectives. It’s in this blank space where true transformation happens, where memories can be remembered – or completely reconstructed.
November 8th, 2024, 8:00 PM
Birkenstraße 47, 40233 Düsseldorf
Funded by Kulturamt Düsseldorf.

Using live feedback loops and samples, Serane explores the question of what role our fleeting memories play for us in an abstract musical form. The original remains the original until it is positively exaggerated by a narrative, until it is distorted by acute feelings and then imperceptibly becomes the original again. A documentary without change log data. Most people are not in a position to store every moment of their lives accurately. Our history shapes us. If we cannot prevent distortions, should we manipulate them manually in the course of self-optimisation? And who can we trust if not ourselves?
Teddy Larue is a French artist who currently lives between France and Germany. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in art and art studies from the University Paris 1 Sorbonne in 2012, and his degree in visual arts with a focus on sound from the Haute Ecole des Arts du Rhin in Mulhouse in 2015. Teddy Larue’s artworks are based on a critical approach to listening. Since 2013, he has been active in the experimental and electronic music scene, performing throughout Europe. Currently, Teddy Larue is working on creating live ambisonic sound environments that interpret a digital world within a speculative dystopian future. He uses granular synthesis, field recordings, samplers, eurorack, and Max for Live to distort, repeat, and modify sounds beyond recognition.
You close your eyes and see nothing. Your ears remain open, whether you like it or not. Close your eyes and listen carefully, otherwise you might miss something. I’ll remind you how the scratching, tearing, roaring and screeching sounds in your ears - but I promise you that even painful things don’t last. The noise will soon dissolve into joy and booming warmth. Think again and try to remember carefully – because there is beauty in every sound.
Seren.a is an electronic sound artist based in Düsseldorf. As a board member of the female DJ collective and association Get Over It, she is a pioneering figure in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) for representing queer women both on stage and behind the turntables. Growing up in the early 1990s, she was heavily influenced by the techno music broadcasted on the radio. At the age of five, she developed a passion for playing the drums, and in her early teens, she began playing electric guitar. After training as a choir director, her journey led her to Düsseldorf, where she became a sound engineer. Now, after two decades, she has set aside the guitar to return to her childhood passion by embracing electronic music, driven by her love for tribal percussion and repetitive rhythms.
With Mischa Nikov's project “Lviiv”, we step into a new dimension of psychedelic house music alongside the artist. Drawing inspiration from the sonic and social fabric of Chicago’s 70s warehouse parties, ‘Lviiv’ reinvents that atmosphere with experimental sounds and immersive ambience. Classic acid sounds are transformed through modular synthesizers, while deep house drum rhythms guide us on a journey through time and space.
‘Rekallusion des Momentrelikts’ 2024 by Kira Fischer and Eva Philippen (artist collective FdgD). This video-sound work deconstructs memory as a fleeting game between perception and reconstruction. Three television sets show overlapping, distorted video sequences, accompanied by minimalist sounds consisting of voices, scraps of noise and loops. The neologisms ‘recallusion’ and ‘momentary relict’ describe the illusion of a clear memory. This is a moment that remains in flux and hovers between reality and fiction.
Fotos: KOLORIT 2024, © Valentin Zuckmantel / © Jonathan Rösen / © Lea Wolf